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Wetland & Waters
of the U.S.

Illinois Department of Transportation

2IM Group, LLC and Huff & Huff, Inc are working collaboratively in completing Wetland & Waters of the U.S. (WOUS) Delineations, Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat Surveys, and Tree Surveys for IDOT District 1 Environmental Unit.

2IM Group performed a Wetland & Waters of the U.S. (WOUS) survey for IDOT within the area of proposed improvements to Des Plaines River Road in Schiller Park, Cook County. One forested wetland and two WOUS, the Des Plaines River and an unnamed tributary, were identified within the project limits

With direction from Huff & Huff biologists, 2IM personnel performed habitat surveys for the Northern Long Eared Bat, a listed species in much of North America.

2IM Group surveyed ~350 trees by direct counting method and estimated an additional ~100 trees by means of extrapolation via quadrat sampling. Trees were surveyed, identified by species, and measured at breast height. Health and structure were also assessed. Information regarding origin, landscape function, and specimen/exceptional trees were provided for avoidance and mitigation efforts.

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